30 for 30

As some of you already know, I turned 30 at the end of April, which is just wild to think about. 30 felt like such a milestone when I was young. And it is. But a small part of me still feels like I’m 19. I’ve done a lot in my life since then so I should feel older, but I don’t? I’ve talked to my girlfriends about this + I think we all feel similar in some way.

Although a part of me feels like I just graduated high school yesterday, I’m so excited to enter this next decade of my life. 30 means falling more deeply in tune with myself, spiritually, physically, financially. My twenties were a whirlwind of the happiest times but the lowest of times. I fell on my face but felt incredibly proud of myself, I lost friendships but strengthened sisterhoods, I got out of a toxic relationship then found a life partner that is truly my best friend, I felt utterly lost but discovered how strong + resilient I am. So with all that said, here are 30 life lessons I’ve learned going into 30.

  1. Everyone you meet has something to teach you. Be open to having conversations with people outside your circle because more than likely, they’ll share something with you you didn’t know. Get to know people’s stories and what makes them who they are.

  2. People don’t talk about you like you think they do. More often than not, people are more concerned with themselves, not you. Sounds kinda harsh but once you realize this, you’ll feel free.

  3. Wear whatever feels good to you. It may look silly to others, but if you feel yourself in it, wear it! If you’re not feeling yourself in anything, and let’s face it, we all have those days… refer to your basics. Jeans and a tee or a little black dress can never do you wrong.

  4. Create more, consume less. Spend less time mindlessly scrolling + create a life thats more intentional and fulfilling.

  5. Fall in love with your morning routine. Mine starts with a warm cup of lemon water to wakeup, a chapter of my book, a five-minute gratitude journal, a quick 10-minute tidy up, a shower, and getting ready for the day. Yours can be totally different, play around with what works for you :)

  6. Learn to cook a few different simple recipes. I love getting Chinese takeout but cooking in the kitchen, with a glass of wine and music playing in the background is elite.

  7. Experiment with different types of workouts until you find one you like. You might discover that you love HIIT classes or maybe you’d rather go on a long walk while listening to a podcast. Don’t force yourself into a certain type of workout if it doesn’t work for you. Figure out what you like until you get to a place where you actually look forward to working out but move your body!

  8. Nurture the relationships that add value to your life. Don’t overexert your energy on people that don’t show up for you time and time again.

  9. Not everyone needs to agree with your opinion for it to be valid. Your opinion is your opinion and even if its not a popular one, it doesn’t mean you’re wrong. Just don’t be a dick about it.

  10. Spend more time with your family. Remember that each passing day is one less day you’ll have with your loved ones. So answer that call from your mom or make up with that family member. Make the effort to spend valuable time with them.

  11. Your gut is a powerful tool, listen to it. Especially your women’s intuition.

  12. Keep an allure about you. Not everyone needs to know everything.

  13. It’s okay to take a break and unplug when you start to feel overwhelmed. The list of to-dos or the messages in your inbox can wait a day.

  14. You don’t need to have your life completely planned out because more often than not, life will not go according to plan. Be okay with taking a detour (multiple detours) and readjusting.

  15. Take up a class or a hobby that you’ve always wanted to do no matter how weird or how bad you are at it. It could be ceramics, horseback riding or an acting class. The point is you’re putting yourself out there, learning something new and trying something you’ve always wanted to do. This will help you build confidence and will make you feel fulfilled.

  16. It’s okay to make mistakes but try to learn from them. If you make the same mistake twice, it’s okay, forgive yourself, but consider looking within and work on why and how you can move past this. Therapy is a good first step.

  17. Not everyone is going to get you and that’s OK. Don’t minimize yourself or change who you are to please others. I know it can be hard not to care what others think of you but I think this starts to go away the older you get. It’s not your responsibility to change others opinion about you.

  18. Quality over quantity. This applies to a lot of things. There are exceptions to this (balance is key) but try to invest in quality clothing, nourish yourself with whole foods and supplements, and seek deep friendships that leave you feeling better, not worse.

  19. Learn to enjoy your own company because you’re with them for a while.

  20. Find a partner who is your best friend but also have your own interests separate from them. Speaking of relationships, be with someone that works through arguments with you + never calls you a bad name. We all have our own issues/triggers and no two people are perfect, so be understanding of each other.

  21. Challenge yourself to feel comfortable in uncomfortable situations. Go to that event by yourself and strike up a conversation with someone, move to that city you’ve been dreaming of living in or apply to that job you feel under-qualified for. The more you put yourself out there, the stronger you’ll get, mentally.

  22. It’s OK if you forget to take your jewelry off at night but always wash your face. A pimple will last longer than your 10 minute skincare routine.

  23. Make a budget and check in with it at least once a week. Save a percentage of every paycheck you get and put it in your savings account. Don’t be afraid to check your bank account or credit score. It may be tough to see but these things are important to know so you can change unhealthy spending habits.

  24. Practice gratitude everyday. I can’t tell you how much of an impact this has on my days. When I start my day with gratitude, my perspective throughout the day is much brighter and positive.

  25. Be the type of person you would fall in love with. Or in other words, be the type of person your younger self would look up to. Act with integrity, smile at strangers, always tell the truth, sing in your car, be a good listener, dance when no one is watching, mean what you say.

  26. If you choose to drink alcohol, learn to have a healthier relationship with it. If it’s causing you anxiety, hurting your relationships or making you feel worse about yourself, you may have to stop for a while or stop altogether.

  27. Go on more walks and enjoy the beauty of your surroundings. Realize how easily you’re able to get around on your own two feet. You’re blessed if you can do this.

  28. Listen to podcasts on topics that interest you: wellness, reality tv, business entrepreneurship are some of my faves.

  29. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself, be weird, and get out of your head.

  30. Find balance in life. The older you get, the more responsibilities you have but make time to have fun + be wild.

Life is such a gift that I continuously want to learn from. I am eager to learn what life lessons I’ll be taught in my 30’s.

love + light,
