Beauty: Dippity Do Da

You’ve seen dip powder advertised at the nail salon but what is it? And is it truly safer for your nails? Well, I’m here to break it all down for you.

What is SNS (also known as Dip Powder)?

For starters, SNS stands for Signature Nail Systems. It’s the process of repeatedly dipping your nails into a pot of finely milled powder, dusting off the excess + repeating this process 2-3 times until it hardens on your nail. Unlike gel manicures, which uses a UV lamp to set the nail, dip manis use a special sealant polish, with their main ingredient being cyanoacrylate which is found in Krazy Glue. This should give some indication on the lasting power dip has.


Is it Safer for Your Nails?

It’s been said that dip powder is less damaging than alternative nail techniques (gel, shellac, acrylic) + I’d say there are definite perks. For starters, the no UV light thing. I use to get an uneasy feeling sticking my hand into a machine blasting UV light for long periods of time but there’s no need for that with dip since nails cure on their own. Second, they last FOREVER. Well, like 4-6 weeks (which is crazy) without any chipping or peeling. As far as being truly safer for your nails, well, that really comes down to how you take care of them. Like any other specialized nail service, they need proper care + removal. Also, for the sake of your nail beds, please get them removed by a professional technician! This stuff is powerful + you should let a professional remove them for you.

How Does it Differ From Acrylic or Gel?

Gel + shellac are completed by applying a base coat + setting under a UV light for 10 or so seconds. Then, 2-3 more gel coats are applied + set under the UV light for 60 seconds following each application.

Acrylic takes a lot longer to apply + although they are durable, they are not as flexible or ideal for someone with an active lifestyle. On top of that, the application process uses harsher chemicals to seal the nail + can be damaging to your nail beds if you don’t take good care of them.


How Long Does It Last?

Dip manis last four to six weeks, while gel + traditional acrylics last about two to three weeks.

How Do You Remove It?

Removing dip powder is very similar to gel in that you need to soak the nail in acetone for 10-15 minutes. Because this can dehydrate your nails, it’s recommended you use a cuticle oil on your nails a few times a week. Also, don’t forget to nourish + strength your nails with vitamins that contain biotin + omega-3s! To reiterate, make sure to get them removed by a nail technician!

Where Can I Get It?

This may take some research + maybe a few phone calls because dip powder is only available at certain salons. This may be attributed to the risk of infection + sanitation. Dipping your finger into the same pot other people have dipped their fingers can be a little… dirty? Make sure your nail technician either pours the powder directly onto each nail or bring in your own product.

There’s no better feeling than getting your nails done. Are you a gel, acrylic or a dip girl?

Love + light,
