Vanity Planet Skincare Favorites

if there’s something that I like to splurge on, it’s beauty products! specifically skincare. my skin has always given me troubles so getting facials is something that i try to prioritize. but those facials add up + cost a pretty penny to keep up with. and on top of that, a worldwide pandemic kind of hinders you from penciling a facial in. so instead, i’m beginning to invest in skincare gadgets so i can have spa days at home! my absolute favorite place to shop for them? vanity planet! and right now they’re having a big sale — like 50% OFF SITEWIDE big!! so i’ve gathered some of the best oral + skincare gadgets to add to your personal collection or to gift your mom, mother-in-law, or bestie.

use discount code: CYBERWK — happy shopping :)

clara electric toothbrush $67.50

first up is the Clara Sonic Toothbrush System. the older i get, the more important it is to me to take good care of my teeth. i know it’s not super exciting but this little toothbrush system is actually amazing. it’s stacked with a UV sanitizing station + interchangeable brush modes for your cleansing experience. there’s 4 brushing modes: clean, soft, whitening, + a massage mode for your gums, allowing you get the experience that’s right for you. there’s also an automated 2-minute timer that ensures you’re brushing long enough. no more humming “happy birthday” in your head!

image via vanity planet

image via vanity planet

aira facial steamer $47.49

second is the Aira Facial Steamer. it’s designed to clear pores + stimulate circulation. with your pores clear, you'll be more receptive to all your beauty products + treatments, making their effects even more beneficial! a few more relaxing benefits that the Aira Steamer includes are better blood circulation, complexion clarity + moisture in your skin. you can also add in your favorite essential oils to really indulge in your personal spa experience.

image via vanity planet

image via vanity planet

Fria skincare fridge $75

Fria, the mini skincare fridge, ensures beauty products last longer + perform better by preserving clean ingredients + keeping your products at its freshest state. not only does it keep all your skincare products cold + fresh, the design is eye-catching + customizable to fit all your beauty essentials no matter the size.

image via vanity planet

image via vanity planet

ultimate skin spa $34.99

if you don’t have a spin brush in your skincare routine, then you need the Ultimate Skin Spa in your life! this dual-speed handheld spin brush works with your favorite cleanser + one of three interchangeable brush heads (daily cleansing brush, weekly exfoliating brush + a silicone brush for sensitive skin). my spin brush is essential in my skincare regimen because i know i’m getting all the days dirt + debris out of my pores. everything else i do after that is a bonus in my book! and the protective case it comes with makes it easy to travel with wherever you go :)

image via vanity planet

image via vanity planet

hot + cold rejuvenating facial wand $49.99

last but not least, is the Vanity Planet Forever Young Facial Wand which uses hot + cool settings along with sonic vibrations to level up your skincare routine. the hot mode helps open up your pores to boost absorption of serums, creams, + moisturizers. additionally, when you switch to the cool mode, it shrink pores + lessens the appearance of fine lines. it also helps reduce red spots + puffiness, while soothing your skin. the teardrop-shaped head fits perfectly around the crevices of your face including your under-eye area.

image via vanity planet

image via vanity planet

Let me know what gadgets you’re most excited to try out. Happy holidays, babes!

love + light,
