My Carry-On Essentials

I’ve been so fortunate to travel quite a bit this last year + I’ve discovered what items I can’t be without when I’m traveling. Whether I’m packing for a spontaneous weekend or a longer trip, these are the items that are always in my carry-on.

  1. Headphones + Charger (if needed)

    This one is kind of obvious but I have definitely forgotten them before — headphones! Any type of headphones work but I personally LOVE my JBL Bluetooth Headphones because there’s never a tangly mess + they’re also noise cancelling which is something I need on a plane especially when there’s all sorts of commotion going on around you. I carry the charger that comes with it in case those puppies die on me. Linked: JBL 500BT Headphones

  2. Gum

    Does anyone else’s ears pop when you’re taking off? Mine do, every time. But gum somehow helps with that. Plus, it helps to have some after eating a bag of peanuts or in case the person next to you decides to strike up a conversation. Stank breath, no thanks!

  3. Portable Phone Charger + your phone charger, duh.

    Having a dead phone while traveling is the absolute worst. I use my phone for everything from Ubers to music + Netflix to Google. Literally everything so gotta keep that iPhone charged. These portable phone chargers are life-saving + they can completely charge up to 3 iPhone charges. Linked: Anker PowerCore for iPhone + Samsung Galaxy

  4. Book

    Depending on the length of my trip, I will bring a book with me. It’s the perfect opportunity to sit down + finish that book I’ve been reading but haven’t gotten around to finishing yet. There’s only so much Netflix + music to listen to, you know?

  5. Journal

    I love keeping little mementos from all my trips that have a story behind it. I’ll collect ticket stubs, polaroids + stickers from everywhere I go + write tidbits to remind myself of those special memories.

  6. Water Bottle

    Buying water once you’re through security is way overpriced + if you’re like me + get parched when you’re on a flight, then I recommend bringing your own water bottle to fill up after you’ve gone through security. Good for your wallet, good for the environment, good for your hydration. Two thumbs up! Linked: Contigo Couture 20 oz Vacuum-Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle

  7. Travel Fragrance

    Whether I’m running around to find my gate or lugging around my over-packed carry on (oops), I always carry a travel size deodorant +/or a body mist to spritz on in case I break a sweat. This goes back to the smelling fresh thing I talked about in #2.

  8. hand wipes

    I tend to get sick after traveling so to try to prevent that I keep some handy dandy wipes with me in case things get messy or if your seat tray isn’t totally clean. I can get a little paranoid about germs so having these wipes are super helpful.

    Linked: Wet Ones Antibacterial Fresh Scent Hand Wipes

  9. Chapstick

    Because of the dry air in planes + because I have a bad case of chapped lips, its absolutely necessary to have chapstick on me to keep those lips moisturized.

  10. Light Jacket

    Aside from planes being dry, they can also get chilly! I like to carry a light hoodie or jacket to toss on in case I get cold, which is always. They also make for great pillows too!


Love + light,
